Thursday, January 19, 2012

That Girl

I got a pair of tights over Christmas break.   (You know, those stretchy, tubular articles of clothing that go over your legs, similar to “leggings”; those things that people started wearing about two years ago?)

I like to keep up with the trends.  

In general, I think I am dressing better each year.  I blame my deep love and affection for camp and my summers there for influencing me to not care about clothing (which is actually a good thing, to an extent) but also for supplying me with copious amounts of T-shirts, most of which are only appropriate to work on such a campus as camp.  Or maybe when you’re painting.  Or sleeping.   But I tried to get away from clothes such as that when I became a “real” adult/got a teaching job in Fargo and became aware that I could run into students and parents at any time at the grocery store or on an innocent Target trip.  (Not convinced those fears were founded in reality?  When my then-boyfriend-now-husband and I went engagement ring shopping at the mall in Fargo, I ran into four students and one parent.  Why, sure, I will share this incredibly romantic and private and slightly terrifying moment with you, junior high girls who signed up for choir this year).  
Although I wouldn’t describe myself as very trendy or as one who loves shopping or has lots and lots of clothes, I do feel confident in my ability to dress well as needed.  I can dress up, and I can dress casually, I can do “dress casual.”   

I also, in general, like my body and my face and my hair.  This is helpful when dressing and such. 
But there are times when none of this matters.  All sense of security I might have, any compliments I might have received about my appearance or any becoming article of clothing I may be wearing will be cast aside; thrown to the wind, and it’s all because of her.

That Girl.
You know who that is, That Girl.  That Girl is the one who always “happens” to look better than you.  Did you roll out of bed and think “All I have to do today is make dinner and clean up afterwards” and dress accordingly, wearing in jeans and whatever is clean and will keep you warm?  Well, you might pass her and she’ll be wearing something stunning  - just because.  Have you actually put a decent amount of thought into your outfit of the day, coordinating a scarf with a new sweater and wearing make-up just because it feels good?  That Girl has rolled out of bed and just thrown something together to wear with scarcely a thought at all but comes out looking about 30% better than you nonetheless.   

I noticed That Girl when Ryan and I were new to Chicago and trying out different churches.  That Girl was singing on the worship team wearing this amazing outfit – modest, trendy, classy, and cute – and her voice – wow!  Warm through her mid-range, flexible, tone that was gorgeous, with a gentle vibrato in such a way that innocent bystanders are struggling to focus on God because they want to focus on her beautiful voice.  (Although they notice her beautiful skin, hair, and her perfect body, too).
That Girl made me mad inside.  Never mind the fact that I, too, was wearing a cute skirt that looked really nice and am blessed with decent skin and am pretty thin and was training for the half marathon at the time, so I was strong.  That Girl intruded on my thoughts with a vengeance.    

That Girl doesn’t stop there. 
Have you noticed that That Girl has a wide range of skills and talents, all of which you are pretty good at – until you notice her? 

Are you athletic?  That Girl is faster, stronger, and more flexible than you, but she doesn’t train as often.  Or, That Girl shows up at the gym at 6:00 a.m. every day just to get a good start to the day.  I’ve seen it both ways.  She also has expensive sweat-wicking workout clothes and manages to look good even after doing the elliptical machine for 45 minutes.

Are you a good cook?  You have probably noticed that That Girl cooks with all natural and organic ingredients that she has found on sale by scoping out the weekly ads and using all the coupon programs you find a smidge too complicated.  Her recipes are always turn out just right and while you might rejoice over a new kind of pasta sauce you’ve developed, That Girl has developed a new kind of entrée that would be too complicated and delicious to describe in this space and would hardly use something as simple as “pasta” when options like couscous and quinoa exist. 

Are you funny?  That Girl has some wit and can make any one, any age, laugh uncontrollably.
Are you a good writer?  That Girl has an ever-growing resume of exiting projects she has worked on, all of which were paid, and probably took her to exciting places around the world.

I’ve heard That Girl turns into “That Mom” when you have kids and the situation can get ugly.  Her kids are perfectly behaved and eat homemade, well balanced meals every day and achieve things above and beyond what is considered normal for their age group.  This is likely because she runs a home that is rich in literacy and raises her children in a way that is firm but loving.  She also attends Spin classes three times a week, in addition to volunteering in her child’s classroom every other Wednesday (the other Wednesday she volunteers at the homeless shelter) and leading the PTA. 
In every situation, she’s skinny, of course.   She probably has perfect skin. 

Unfortunately, That Girl is both nearby and far away.  As I mentioned, I saw That Girl while attending a new church soon after Ryan and I moved here.  But I also had a much more personal That Girl encounter with someone who is very close to me.  I felt like I was on the same level as this person, really, since we are friends.  She is beautiful inside and out, which is part of the reason I love her so much.  But somehow, during out last interaction, she morphed into That Girl.  Suddenly, I was very aware of my hand-me-down jeans.  (By the way, thank you, Danielle, Ryan, and Elizabeth for giving me your jeans you didn’t want anymore and to Jen for noticing I needed new jeans providing denim accordingly).  I noticed her hair is cuter than mine and styled more creatively and cutely.  I noticed she didn’t care about either of these things, and that made me feel even more guilty and insecure.  The list went on, but I think you can get the picture. 
This is about the time when a That Girl encounter turns ugly.  However, I have learned that I am not alone in my next action when I cross paths with That Girl.  I am not proud of this, but feel like it should be addressed.

I start to play “Beat That Girl.”  Not literally, of course.  There aren’t always clubs or other heavy objects nearby.  (Did I just take that joke too far?  Probably.  Ignore that, then).
“Beat That Girl” is played mentally, in self-talk, and is essentially a game of one-upmanship.  It goes a little something like this:   

That sweater looks awesome on her – classy and trendy and what a great color!  I wish I had worn my cute jeans today.
Her hair has a great sheen….But, my hair is naturally blonde.  Lots of people want that.

And, I have skinnier legs!  Plus, she is breaking out a little bit.
But she knows how to wear make-up… and it covers up everything and looks understated and perfect. 

She is way more confident than me.  She’s not even trying and she is better than me at everything.

I’m married – So there!

Yes, being married does trump the scenario for me.  I recently realized that I am not the only one who uses a ring as a trump card.  There are, obviously, a lot of terrible things that go on during this mental game but the conclusion is probably the worst.   
It’s a completely absurd game.

Why do I play it?  Do you play it, too?  Perhaps you play a variation of the game, and substitute other items in the mental talk, but either way – this is not how people should be interacting with one another.
This is not a recipe for a healthy relationship.  This is a recipe for personal disaster.  “Winning” means nothing.  I wish I could always believe this. 

I know this would be an appropriate time to insert a “Newsflash!  There will always be someone better than you!”  That is certainly true.  But somehow, I feel like this issue and this horrible game of comparisons is deeper than something that can be combated with a simple phrase, true as it is. 
If I continue to compare myself to others, I am essentially saying I am not enough in who I am.  I am not complete in myself.  I am not good enough.   And, I put others down in the process. 

I am pretty sure God is not okay with this. 
I fully believe people are “people in progress” (aka being sanctified) and God loves us and wants us to grow, but I also believe He is completely satisfied with who we are and where we are, too.  It’s one of those crazy things that only the Almighty could ever manage to balance. 

I almost didn’t blog about this topic because I couldn’t figure out how to conclude.  This is definitely an unfinished issue in my heart and in my life.  I have a lot of growing to do.  But I felt like addressing and even admitting the problem was a start.  And truly, the finish has got to be found in Christ.  I can’t do this on my own!  Security in life, in ourself, and in our future can only be found outside of ourselves.
Sure, there will always be people who are better than us.  But we aren’t identified by them – or by that, by what we do or by what they do. 

I am working on ending the game before it starts – or at least before it gets out of hand – and becoming secure in Christ. 

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